Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hello Bum in My Face

This morning, as I was walking up the stairs to exit the El, a fairly heavy-set guy in front of me dropped his glove. So he straight-legged bent over to pick it up. Whoa buddy! WTH? I don't think I have ever put so much effort into stopping my ascent up stairs. If I had not, my face would have literally met his bum(or butt meat as Yatta would call it). It was a really close call as is. So after the irritation passed, I realized that he didn't squat to pick up his glove. I am not sure he could even do a squat if he tried. Which made me really look around as I was on my way into work. There are so many out of shape people! Since when did it become the norm for people to be so out of shape? I don’t even really notice it most of the time now until it is right in my face. Haha! What do you guys think about this? Do you think in general that most people are in decent shape?


  1. Most people, in general, are for sure out of shape. I used to even think I was in "okay" shape until I joined the box and saw muscle-ups, double-unders, and way smaller people lifting way more than me. It was a kind of a "what is this place" moment.

    As for what you just experienced, definitely made me lol. Face-planting into an obese butt = not fun. Well any butt for that matter but to each his own.

  2. LOL! Yes Camey girl, you almost had a mouth full of butt meat! Thank goodness that you were spared. You better thank the Lord.

    As far as out of shape people goes....I think about this everyday on the bus. There are some pretty huge people that take up a lot of space. Their booty meat intrudes on my seat all the time. So yes, I think a whole bunch of people in this City could stand to miss a few meals.

    Today on the elevator, this man...very reminiscent of a baby pot bellied piglet, hopped on the elevator to ride one floor. I did not even hesitate to hide the dirty look that I dished out. He even apologized for riding one floor:) WIN for me:)

  3. I never thought there would be an appropriate time on this blog to post a compilation of WWE wrestling footage, but I stand corrected.

    I present to you, Rikishi and his world famous "Stink Face."

    As for the conversation at hand: you really didn't know that Americans a out-of-shape fat asses? C'mon now.

  4. WTF Drywall? Where the hell do you find this stuff? lol. Although I must say, Rikishi has a DONK on him. He must do lots of squats:) I love the part towards the end where he makes a wedgie of his underwear just to expose more booty:) lol.

  5. Mmmm...butt meat. JK!

    My heart breaks for people who are severely out of shape. I guess I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they 'just don't know' as opposed to choosing to be that way.

    Interesting timing though because yesterday I was having lunch with a friend and in walked a Mom (at least I think) with her 2 sons. One of the sons could not have been much older than 13 and he was severely obese. That PISSES me off - because it is parents, teachers and other influential adults in this childs life whose responsibility it is to education the child on being healthy. If he does not have the knowledge how is he able to make an educated choice?! It really does just cause my heart to ache - because I think of the ridicule he probably gets and all the FUN, ACTIVE, CHILDHOOD games and activities he is missing out on. It's not fair...rant is over :)

  6. Yatta! I should have known it would be booty meat and not butt meat. Ugh! At least I got the meat part right. I give people that ride the elevator up one floor a dirty look too. :)

    Drywall! That was disgusting! I and am pretty sure fake. Or at least I REALLY hope so!

  7. Wrestling is real, as Stossel discovered in the '80's.
