Friday, December 31, 2010

Get it over with...

I don't know about any of you, but I just want this year to end. Highs, lows and all of the in between... I am not looking back on any of it! Time to push forward and make good things happen.

I'm not one for resolutions, since most all of them fail, but this year is different. 2011 is looking pretty good right now and I wish the same for the rest of you! Maybe we'll catch you out tonight @ Cleos!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Kelsey!

It's December 30th and it's our friend Kelsey's Birthday!

For all:  If you could create your own Birthday WOD - what would it be?!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Back in the Groove:)

So tonight will be my first WOD after being out of the box for about a week and a half. I am totally getting those nervous butterflies in my belly that I have not had since first starting Crossfit back in July. I remember being nervous as hell before every WOD back then...not knowing what to expect and asking myself why I kept coming back to torture myself every week. I would limp home and yet bring my dumb ass back the next day....what kind of sense did that make? lol. Yet here I am 5 months later...still here...not limping home quite as much though:)

So the dastardly butterflies are still there....fighting each other in my tummy....., but not because I am scared of the potential crazy shit the coaches will have me doing...the butterflies are here now because I just do not know how I will perform after being out almost two weeks and carrying on like a baby piglet while I was at home.

I am so ready to get back on the ball with living a healthy lifestyle. I feel and look better when I eat better, sleep, and consistently workout. I am usually not a big New Year's resolution type of person because I think you should be able to set goals any time of the year, but I think this upcoming New Year does present a great opportunity to set goals regarding Crossfit and see how I carry them throughout the year. I don't know about you, but I know that I am going to be a lifetime Crossfitter:) Yes, I will be Crossfiting in my walker when I am 95...I am sure by then I will be stringing kipping pullups:) Seriously though, I truly want to keep Crossfit a part of my life and improve this year at the box. I am going to stop underestimating myself and push myself past the limits I often put on myself (without further injuring myself of course). What are your goals for the upcoming year as a Crossfitter? Where have you seen the most improvement since you began?

I miss you all and can't wait to see whoever is around this evening...I will be the fatty crying on the row machine:)

P.S. If you haven't figured it out yet by my blog post pics...I LOVE CATS! lol.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Calories don't count on vacation...

Or do they? Ok ok, I know they count. Ha! Since I have been in San Fransico, I have stopped worrying about what I am eating. I am truely just enjoying my time here. But I have noticed that even though I am not constantly worrying about what I am eating, I still tend to make a lot of heathly choices. Yay for having a good habit! But when I want to induldge, I am going to do it and not feel guilty. I will just balance it out with better food choices and a good workout.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Monday, December 27, 2010

What did everyone get for Christmas??

I can't believe the holiday is over! It ended up being a white Christmas for us in the south. It snowed 6-8 inches here in Charlotte! Now it's time to gear up for the New Year!
Anyone get any cool presents? Were any of the presents off of Drywall's blog Christmas wish list?? Let us know! Miss you guys!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Good Ol' Holidays

Just curious as to what everyones plans are for the rest of the year? I'll be around all next week and in the box... wish I had some time off, but that just isn't happening.

If you're around for NYE, got plans? I don't intend on getting too crazy, but I'm definitely going out!

The bar we went to see the Monday night Bears game at has a pretty decent package: 50$s gets you open bar, food, extras from 9-2. The place is pretty big and it could be fun.

Any other ideas? If anyone else doesn't have plans and wants to get together, I'm down for almost anything as long as its fun :D

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!

Crossfit Northpole

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Feel Like...

...trying something new to kill some time.  Complete the sentences:
  1. My favorite place to be is...
  2. I am annoyed by...
  3. I can always be counted on to...
  4. People would say that I am...
  5. They think this because...
  6. I am afraid of...
  7. I believe...
  8. Right now I am thinking about...
  9. When I wake up in the morning...
  10. By this time next year...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Not so Witty Wednesday

Hey CF family. I usually have something witty or funny to say on my blog post day (or at least I think I do. lol.). However, as many of you know my grandmother passed away early on Monday morning. I made it home just in time to tell her goodbye and she passed a half hour after I left her. I am really struggling to deal with this right now. My grandmother was pretty close to a mother to me. She pretty much raised me because my mom was a young mom. I am just trying to hold it all together for my mom's sake and I honestly failed miserably the first couple of days. I made a mistake by going back once my granny passed to wait on the funeral home to pick her up. Now I just can't get the image of her in a bag out of my head. I wish I had stayed that extra 30 minutes and maybe she would not have passed or atleast she would not have been alone when she did.

I am not trying to make you guys uncomfortable with this, but for some odd reason I feel like I can talk to you guys about it and be honest about how I am feeling. I can't talk to my family about how I feel just yet, because everyone is upset and I do not want to make it worse. Shit, maybe I need to invest in a diary.

As far as Paleo goes, let my butt just be real and say I am not thinking about it until the New Year. I have realized while I am home dealing with this that I am an emotional eater. I never really pegged myself as one, but I have been consistently eating like a baby cow since I got here. I demolished an entire package of iced oatmeal cookies last night with milk and I did not bat an eye. We wont even discuss all of the other stuff I have been eating just because it makes me feel better. The one good thing I have done is continue to be physical in some way. Yesterday I went to the park and ran for a good while. Then I used the park benches to do box jumps. I was getting all kinds of weird looks from the other park-goers. My run was interesting because the ducks had generously set up an obstacle course of poop which I had to deftly run/jump through:) Other than running and jumping I did lots of air squats and lots of lunges. Even with the physical activity, based upon my crappy diet I am sure I will return to the box next Wednesday incapable of doing anything that I could before. lol.

Thanks for being a sounding board for me everyone. I appreciate each and everyone of you. It will be nice to get back. Have a Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nice to meet you Fran

After meeting Fran for the first time on Sunday, I decided to look up videos of other people taking her on. I found a video of Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, who finished top 10 in the 2010 Crossfit Games. She did Fran in 2:29. Very impressive! Check it out on YouTube. I included her tips below. I especially like the part about not breathing. I am pretty sure I was bent over sucking in air several times through Fran. Ha!

Camille's 3 Tips to a Faster Fran

by CrossFit on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 1:36pm
  1. Don't wait to have your breath back because it won't happen or maybe it will happen but 20 minutes later. It's a waste of time and if you can't breathe anymore, well we all know a human can stop breathing for 2 minutes without dying . . . so we are okay.
  2. Do butterfly. They are a lot faster than kipping pull-up and when they are done right you can almost take your breath back on those.
  3. Never tell yourself that it's hard. Your body is able to give you way more than what your head think. Human is a complicated machine and we don't know our potential . . . so go on until your body breaks down. And if that time you don't have a nice Fran time, remember that you improve and the next time you are going to be better. And you can't be better than yourself so don't compare with someone else, just try to beat you everytime and you are going to win everytime.

-- By Camille Leblanc-Bazinet

Monday, December 20, 2010

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

When I first started CrossFit, the main reason why I joined is to get stronger and leaner. But now my views on CrossFit are completely different. Yes of course I still go to reach my potentials in strength and fitness but now one of the main reasons why I still go AND look forward to WODing everyday is because of the community--especially the CrossFit West Loop family. Its so nice to go to a place where everyone has the same goals and mindset. And everyone that is part of the gym is so encouraging and helpful no matter what skill level you are at. I never feel intimidated or afraid to go for heavier weights or try new skills when I have so many crossfitters behind my back and supporting me. You guys are the real reason why I keep coming back.
And this past weekend just proves my point even more. It amazes me how much everyone is willing to help out as a TEAM and make something incredible happen. Like I've said time and time again, you make me proud and I am most definitely proud to be part of this West Loop family! : )

Sunday, December 19, 2010


bear v. vikings tomorrow nite. 730p.

i spoke to mike h., tyler, and john A last week about going out for the game to grab some drinks and possibly faileo? anyone interested?

we would probably head out after the workout tomorrow nite.

i know, i know...there was a stink and drink friday nite that i missed, but im not trying to steal its thunder; just love my bears and hate those vikings.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nerd Alert

I'm assuming most of you are computer jockeys like me and are near one all day...? Maybe not Tom though, he's busy being all sciency and stuff. Just curious, be it Paleo, Crossfit, or whatever, what are some of the sites you visit daily on the net?

I seem to spend a lot of time reading forums if stuff slows down, which I'm hoping happens soon!

My favorite site?

Don't worry, it's totally work safe! It actually has one of the largest internet forums in the world. I believe it's even within the top ten members-wise. They have an entire sub-forum dedicated to health/wellbeing with an added touch of humor and I love it. Can't believe I've been a member since 2003 either. Check it out sometime: Watch and Woot Forum

I guess I'm bored of everything else, so give me something new to check out!

... and yes, I am on Facebook and Gchat all day too. :|

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Goals, Rewards & ...Do-Overs

In order to see and feel progress, I have to set goals.  That is just how my world works.  I set a goal and align a reward.  Most recently, I had decided that if I PR'd on each of my lifts during the Crossfit Total - I would buy myself a new pair of shoes specifically for Crossfit.  I did it - it felt great...I am still deciding on which brand/style of shoes to purchase.  My first Crossfit goal was one kipping pull-up (back in July, I think) and I went to lululemon and rewarded myself with a new top.  I guess this is a type of delayed gratification exercise that I put myself through.

What happens when I fall short?  Back in July when I got my first kipping, I set a goal of 5 strung together by my birthday.  It didn't happen.  Did I fail?  Do I get a Do-Over?  Why did I fail?  It felt pretty crappy.  I have realized that it's OK.  If I achieved every single goal I set, perhaps it means that my goals are not ambitious enough or, maybe I would lose sight of how great it feels to reach a goal and buy a new pair of lulu pants! Ha! 

How do you handle failure?  Do you call it failure?  How do you reset a goal?

Big goal achieved:  I ran (jogged) the Turkey Trot.  No walking at all
         Reward?  Well, I purchased my rewards before the 8k but it was the pants, top and hat that I am wearing here.  Definitely kept me warm!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Please Don't Test My Gangsta'

I don't know about you guys, but it seems like when people find out that I do Crossfit they find the need to challenge me physically in some way. It is really odd. For instance, on Sunday I decided to work out with a close friend and her personal trainer. The trainer was immediately evil to me...her greeting was "Oh, you are the one who does Crossfit....well after the workout tell me if the workout is just as grueling as your Crossfit workout". WTH? Not a "hello, my name is Jackass..." or anything. From that point on she took the workout to an extreme and turned it into a competetition between myself and my friend to see who is "stronger". She basically needed to know if her personal training was better than Crossfit. Again I say...WTH? I just wanted to come support my girl while she worked out with your ass, not become your own personal little lab rat. I cannot even front, the workout WAS brutal. My poor friend looked like she was going to die because this trainer turned up the heat so much just to try and prove a point. Ultimately, I won the "competition" by one exercise. Yippidy do you like those apples Psychohoe Trainer?

Have you guys been challenged in some way physically by anyone or is it just me? This is not the first time this has happened to me. I have a couple of friends who do it all the time...claiming they can out lift me or run longer....blah blah blah. What are your experiences with people who automatically equate your being a Crossfitter with the need to challenge your physical prowess? Next time they try it calmly tell them "B*itch, please do not test my gangsta..." I bet that will shut their ass up. (Excuse my thug friends....I try not to swear, but oh well....thug lawyer here:)

**Oh, sorry for the later than usual post...My ass was being worked hard as heck this morning:(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Not Just a Gym

I remember when I used to workout at XSport or Lifetime. Even though I enjoyed the workout, I always dreaded going to the gym. The drive, all the weird people, and the staff were annoying most of the time. You know what I am talking about.. like those people that would pick the treadmill or elliptical that was right next to you even though there was a million free ones. Or the ones that would talk on the cell phone while walking 1pmh when there were people waiting on the machine. Ugh! And forget about people encouraging one another let alone saying hi.

Crossfit has completely changed how I feel about working out. Not only do I love the type of workouts we do, but I really like the people. I look forward to seeing everyone when I workout and catching up. I feel like I have found a whole new group of people that not only share one of my passions, but that I really truely like. I have even noticed that we don't only talk about crossfit and paleo anymore. When we were at the party Saturday, I don't really recall many conversations that involved these topics. Although I am sure James will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Sorry about the late post. I completely forgot it was Tuesday. Oopsy!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby it's COLD outside!

With this nasty cold weather sending chills all the way down to our bones, I thought I would share some amazing Paleo soup recipes that I tried last week that is sure to warm you back up! I got these off of and the recipes are not only so very deliciously good but they're easy to make too!! I took a picture of the Chicken soup but ate all of the Seafood soup before I remembered to take a picture! So the picture of the seafood soup (1st picture on top) was taken from The seafood soup was obviously my favorite : )

Caribbean Seafood Stew

2 lbs of raw seafood (I used 1 lb of wild caught shrimp and 1 lb of mahi mahi pieces, both from Trader Joe’s)

1 yellow onion, diced

5 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons cumin

1 bunch cilantro

3 tomatoes, chopped

1 can coconut milk

1 tbsp coconut oil

Sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Dice up the stems of the cilantro bunch and set aside. In a large soup pot saute the onions in the coconut oil. When the onions start to turn brown, add the garlic and the cilantro stems and saute for another 2-3 onions. Add the tomatoes, cumin, salt and pepper, mix well and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add the coconut milk and bring to a simmer. Add the seafood and cook for another 3-5 minutes or until the seafood is done. Serve with the cilantro leaves on top as a garnish.

Chicken Chili Soup

3 cups chicken breast, cooked and chopped (I used leftover grilled chicken breast)

1 onion, diced

4 garlic cloves, minced

1 jalapeno or Fresno pepper, seeds removed and finely diced

2 – 4 oz cans of diced green chilis

4 cups chicken broth

2 tbsps olive oil

2 tsps ground cumin

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Black pepper to taste

Fresh cilantro, diced

Avocado, diced

In a large soup pan, sauté the onion, garlic, and jalapeno together in the olive oil until the onions are tender. Add the canned green chilis, cumin, oregano, cayenne pepper and black pepper. Stir together and add the chicken broth. Bring to a boil, turn down to medium low, and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the chicken and cook for another 5 minutes. Serve with fresh cilantro and avocado.

Warning: This soup is SPICY! : )

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pain makes you beautiful...

I've really been sucking at sleeping recently, which is pretty odd considering I've been doing it for damn near 29 years now.

I know Camey posted about this a while back, but I wanted to touch on it again and get some feedback from you guys.

Do any of you use support or orthopedic pillows of any type? If so, what kind?

I'm almost positive the dry air and cold weather, combined with my crappy sleeping skills caused me to get sick last weekend. I'd like to avoid that in the future.

I watched this Mobility Wod video and tried it out, which seems to help a little:

Owwww, My Neck

Aside from sleep, anything you guys do to avoid getting sick during these winter months?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's All About Me! day older, none the wiser

I have to admit, I am often easily influenced.  Although, since starting Paleo I have tried to change my attitude so focus on what is best for me.  If anyone says "oh, just have one slice, one beer", I have found it is best to have a repertoire of responses:
  • "No Thanks"
  • "I saw a hair in it"
  • "I'm Lactose Intolerant"
  • "I saw the server in the bathroom, she didn't wash her hands.  I'll pass"
  • "Not Hungry"
  • "One beer? I can't have just one beer.  I think I have a problem, so I better not drink"
  • "I live Paleo, remember?"
Do you have any key phrases?

"It's All About Me! day older, none the wise", brought to you by a lady who turns 29 today! AHHH!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Injury Chronicles: Volume 20,000

So yesterday was the first day in about two weeks that I participated in a WOD involving shoulders without modifying it. I felt amazing going shoulder pain to speak of and ready to beat the WOD like it stole something. I remembered the advice given by our dear Drywall and John and in my mind checked my ego at the door. I kept the weight reasonable for the benchpress and did not try to kill myself throwing myself at the floor during the burpees. However, even taking all of those damn precautions and stretching really good after the WOD, my damn shoulder was immediately throbbing....which sucks major buttock:(

The lesson I took from this is that I really did not check my ego like I thought I did. While I may have lowered my weight load, I still pushed my shoulder pretty hard by trying to go as fast as possible during the WOD. Truth be told I should have modified the workout as I had been doing for the last week and a half. I have been told time and again, even if something feels better it may still be healing. Because of my need to rush back into doing the normal WOD I am walking around looking crazy again today with arm stuck to my side. :(

Derek made a good point to me last night that I have not really considered. He reminded me that we sign waivers because due to the nature of Crossfit it is highly probable that we all will be injured at some point. Let's face it, CF is great for your body, but it can also be hard on it at times. This makes it more important than ever for us to be very careful with our form (not always worrying about speed) and to take our time healing from injuries.

The vast majority of us (not everyone) started around the same time and truthfully, even after months of Crossfitting we are still newbies. According to Derek we will be babies in CF for at least 2 years. That is something I needed to hear as well. I'm not saying I thought I was an expert after a few months, but I do realize that I was at times overly confident in what I thought I knew. Last night was a rude awakening when I discovered (thanks to Eric reaming me) that I was rowing completely wrong. Shit, I have been rowing this way since July. LOL. I thought I had it down to a science. Just goes to show that I still have so much to learn and I am willing to bet that you guys do too:)

Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope to make it tonight and gingerly participate in a variation of the WOD. Have a fantastic day!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

how'd it go?

did you perform at the xfit total up to your expectations? there is always a divide between our expectations and what really occurs. as i found out yesterday, over a 6 wk span, one cannot expect more than a 3-5% increase in lifts and performance even if eating right and training. with that said, now how do you feel about your performance yesterday?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Total Time

So the Total final is here - how are you all preparing this evening/tomorrow morning? I know this guy will not be going out and drinking beers, that can wait till after I lift. Well, I will be going out, but to a show and I'm sticking to water. I really want to see if I can bump up these #s tomorrow. I plan on keeping a pretty steady intake of protein from now until then and drinking a ton of water etc.

I know theres a sign up on the board for stuff people are bringing, what are you all thinking?

I can coordinate with Drywall and roll (toss?) a keg in, but I don't know how good of an idea that may be? Thoughts? I can only stay till 2:30 or so, but I'm ready and willing!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Where are we going? Where do you want to go?

October 21, 2010, marked the first post to this blog.  We were all excited and committed, and didn’t even know exactly where we were headed with the blog or with paleo!

A strong 4+ weeks later, where are we today?  Where do you want to take this blog?  Are you still committed to posting?

I look forward to checking our blog every day and hope you do as well.  Is there anything that we can change, add, remove that would make it more beneficial for you? For others?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I don't want to be a Fat Bastard! Help:(

WTH? I am stuggling so much to kill off my new found piglet ways! Going for the championship eating trophy on Thanksgiving has really set me back and I am SUPER disappointed in myself. I felt like I came so far, only to kind of flush my progress down the crapper with my eating regimen of the last few days. We are not even going to go into the details, but let's just say I am eating anything that is placed in front of me as of late and it's really sad. I need to get my motivation back.

I have been attempting to go for the 80/20 approach, but my ass is totally effing this up. I will start off the morning right...egg white veggie omelet w/light feta cheese and turkey sausage. That seems kinda 80/20, but then by lunch things seem to become more like 50/50:( How are you guys handling your post-Thanksgiving Paleo lifestyle? Are you going 100% or some variation as I am attempting? I will continue to try and get it together but it is so hard for me to judge what is 20% at times.

Also, I have noticed that many of us are not posting as diligently as we were a couple of weeks back. What is holding you back from your previous strong commitment to Paleo and posting your progress on this blog? We really need to give ourselves a kick in the arse. If you don't believe me just look at the slow depletion of our comments over the last two weeks. Something has got to change....especially before the sizes of our asses changes:(

On another note, it seems like we have a lot of shoulder injuries occuring as of late as well. WTH is going on? I have injured my left shoulder twice in the last month doing power cleans. Something has to be very wrong with my form. My doctor told me to lay off the shoulder workouts for atleast 2 weeks:( She told me I may end up with a gimpy arm if I am not careful....that was all she had to tell my ass. Appeal to my sense of vanity and I will listen to you:) No more being hard-headed and rushing through an injury for me...I like my normal arm just fine thank you very much:) Have you guys experienced any injuries lately? I know Camey and Kristine have....seems like an epidemic as of late.

Toodles babes....Round 1: Yatta vs. Delicious looking Hot far I am winning:)