Monday, March 14, 2011

Let the GAMES begin!

Tomorrow CrossFit will release the first round of WODs to qualify for the games. I'm really eager and excited to see what they will be and curious to see how this new set-up will work. Does anyone have any favorite athletes (Mikko Salo and Camille LeBlanc) or predictions for the winners this year?? Make sure you check out the CrossFit Games website to stay updated! Here is a video of the badass, grueling craziness to come...


  1. I've have signed up for the World Series of Exercise Open because I'm like really, really good at exercise. However, my power of positive thinking will only carry me so far, and that's nowhere near the finals, so I'll be rooting for Alex and Diesel as they are the only two local kids who have a legit shot.

    I have heard that the Regional round will be in Chicago, which means one thing: @drywallcrossfit will be live Tweeting the event with a running commentary of all things non-pertinent to the actual competition. Drinking is the...wait for it...shit.

  2. Metro Dash sign up for Chicago:
    Soldier Field

    Individuals: Receive an additional $5 discount.
    Use discount code: PRCHI11

    Teams: Receive an additional $20 discount.
    Use discount code: PRCHITEAM11

    Those codes are good until 3/22/11.

    I can't decide if I want to do individual or team. What are you guys planning?

  3. I can't decide how I want to sign up either. I think a team would be fun. The team completes the race together right? Anyone interested in forming a team?

    I am interested to see what The CF Games are all about. It will be fun to watch Regionals in Chi.

  4. I think we should sign up as a team!

    I'm totally there if regionals is in Chi!

  5. I will do it if we do it as a team:)

  6. Unless I'm missing it, I don't see anything about a men's or women's division, or co-ed teams, or anything like that. 4 people per team. Perhaps someone should put something on the white board to see how many people are interested so we can put several teams together. Not it.

  7. I will do it. Because I am awesome like that.
