Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warmin' Up

I’m not talking about the weather.  I’m not even talking about stretching.  I am literally talking about ‘Warming Up’, pre-skill work, pre-WOD.  What gets your juices going?  How do you know your body is ready for the skill work or the WOD?  Do you ever feel you need more of a warm up?  Less?  What makes up the most effective warm up for you?

And…A recipe!  Paleo Slaw - Purple Cabbage, Mango, Red Onion, Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Salt & Pepper to taste!


  1. I don't do anything before class starts. Mostly because I am always running late. I am glad that it is getting warmer bc I like the run as the warmup as part of the class.

    The Slaw looks pretty but I don't like cole slaw at all. Have you made Paleo spaghetti? I need a spaghetti sauce recipe.

  2. I read this pretty fast and was almost convinced you just ate that as a pre-wo supplement... and I'll admit, I kinda freaked out a little.

  3. I usually start with 30 jumping jacks, then depending on the day, maybe some sampson stretches, high knees, butt kicks, planks, then shit gets real when I bust out some PVC pipe and knockout some burgener warmups, but that's only on Oly days. Otherwise I might hit some partner ladders squats, wall squats, handstand holds, and some medicine ball activities if things get out of hand.

    But as the weather warms up, I'll probably start out with a nice 400m run. We'll just have to see after that.

  4. I think you just walked yourself (and others) into hell, Drywall.

  5. im no longer going to post on sundays. rather, ill take a random day during the week when someone else has writer's block (just inform me, also, if you have writer's block, i say you just dont post. silence should be valued, lets not fill the air with bullshit.

    disclaimer: that final statement has no implication on thursday's post. i actually enjoy the paleo coleslaw very much.

  6. It's always Thursdays post or the day after Thursdays that someone says how terrible the posts are. Ok!Ok! I get the hint! Dr. Tom - why don't you take Thursdays off my hands? Especially since I am not an active CFConstruct person (and won't be until at least May, as I found out yesterday) Just makes sense.

    I will be at the box tomorrow at 9:30am to chat with D about the next steps for having folks begin posting on the CFConstruct site and shutting this one down.

  7. PS - Changed the background to something more Spring-like, Enjoy!

  8. Rae. ill start taking thursdays then. kelsey, why dont you talk to johnA, i know he has writer's block, maybe instead of saturday, you can take friday off his hands. john is mostly hungover friday mornings anyhow because of his margarita thursday nites of which i have never gotten an invite too...asshat.

  9. haHAHA, sorry about that. You can have Friday if you want t Kelsey.

    Tom, no Margs Thursday, but next week its on!
