Monday, January 24, 2011

Out of commission

So I haven't been around at the box last week and I most likely won't be around this week either. Last Tuesday night I was driving down I-90/94, went over a patch of black ice, lost control of my car and ended up crashing head on into a huge pole. My car is totaled and in pieces but thankfully I'm okay. I'm actually quite surprised because with the severity of the wreck, I only walked away with cuts and bad bruises. (My mom thinks its because of CrossFit that I was strong enough to survive such a huge impact with little injuries) Although I'm so blessed to walk away with these minor injuries, the impact of the airbag bruised my chest so much that I can't even do a push up, row on the rowing machine, or run for more than 20 minutes without feeling intense pain from my chest. I rested for the rest of the week last week, but I'm going to continue resting this week in hopes of a full recovery. My mother also said that it can take up to 6 weeks to recover from a chest injury like that. But I'm hoping to be back in the box next week.
I've never had such an injury that has kept me from working out for so long. It's driving me crazy. I think I'm going through CrossFit withdrawal! But at the same time, I'm glad to be alive and healthy so I guess I can't complain. Have any of you been out of the gym for a long time? What did you do to cope with your CrossFit/exercise cravings??
I hope to see you guys sometime next week!


  1. Wow, Sorry to hear gal, but glad that you are okay considering the severity of the accident. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Get better soon.

  2. Damn, glad to hear you're alright. Heal up quick!

  3. Scary stuff!! Glad to hear you made it out ok!! Rest up and if you need any rides to or from the box next week let me know.

  4. So glad you are okay Kristine! If you still want to go Friday I will scoop you on my way to the box. I'm not letting you do much more than watch the WOD though. I hope you heal up quickly:)

  5. Kristine, glad to hear you are okay. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask. Seriously.

    In terms of time away from CF and CrossFit Withdrawal, I was actually researching this last night. (Interesting timing) I will soon be absent for 6-8 weeks as well and I am trying to mentally prepare for this stretch of time. The most important thing is to listen to your body (and your Dr., ofcourse). Your body will tell you when you are doing too much or need to rest. Plus, since you have been rockin' CF WODs for a while now, I imagine your resilience will bounce you back quicker.

    Take care of yourself and let us know if we can do anything.

  6. and here i thought you were actually studying or doing something productive...boy, was i wrong.

    my and mike H. can hang out together and reminisce about how crossfit WL is so awesome and you cant wait to be back...ha.

    on a more serious note, glad to hear you are OK kloo. we cant wait to have you back in the box, but not until you are ready. heal up.

  7. Mike H can do the upper body work, you do the lower body work. Between the two of you, we have one fully functional CrossFitter!

  8. Kloo! I'm so glad you are ok! I thought you were busy with school.

    I had to take it easy because of my back for a few weeks. I distracted myself with spending more time with non CF friends. Take advantage of your time off! :)

  9. I must say, I have an awesome CF WL family. : ) Thanks for all the support and encouragement!

    @ Thom- I actually have been studying more now that I can't really do anything else lol

    @ Drywall and Thom- I'll give Mike H a call and see what he thinks of this phenomenal collaboration

  10. Glad to hear you're ok. that's scary stuff!

    rest up and smoke your first wod back!

  11. Damn Kristine, thank God you weren't seriously hurt. That accident sounded horrible.
