Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Gives?

Disclaimer: I am not trying to single out anyone, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

Anyway, what is up with the injury pictures? I have noticed that Crossfitters love to take pictures of when they hurt themselves and post it for the world to gawk at. Whether it be bruises, calluses, torn calluses, infected torn calluses, scrapped up shins, etc.....we love to show that shit off.

I have not posted an injury picture YET lol, but I am thinking about posting the yucky pics of my leg after death by power cleans. lol. Why? Shit I don't know. Does it make one feel more bad arse? Does it just add to the air of you must be nuts if you do Crossfit?

I have seen some pictures of some of your names. lol. Why do we want the world to see how Crossfit can eff you up? lol. Is it the attention whore mentality? It reminds me of my tomboy days when I would get a new scar and show that shit off. Any thoughts? :0)Oh, and just in case you did not notice....I like to type the word *shit*. I don't like cursing in real life and I think I sound stupid when I do, so just let me live this out in the cyber world if you don't mind:) is the beginning of Lent (I know this is bogus coming after my declaration that I like to curse while For those of you who observe, is anyone giving up anything interesting? I am giving the deuces to juice...including OJ (GASP!)and coffee. So if I turn into super biatch for the next month and a half you know why:) I HEART OJ! This is going to be awful:( I'm already shaking because I did not have my morning shot:( On top of that I had to let my sunflower seeds go because I found a worm in my bag. This is going to be a terrible month:(

**The first pic is of course just for chortles:)**


  1. thanks for the "deuces" comment chris brown.

    as for me, the next 40 days are strict paleo, minus beer.

    today's WOD looks hellacious and considering i woke up with flu-like symptoms, i may have to make that shit up tomorrow.


  2. Thom you are such a thug! lol.

    I went to bed at 9:30pm last night because I was feeling really queasy and I still don't feel quite right today. I hope we are not getting sick. I plan on coming in tonight, but we will see how that goes:)

    I hope you feel better! Your next 40 days are going to be quite beastly with no beer. You can do it!


  3. I'm pretty damn sure that's Drywall in the first pic there.

  4. @Yatta - Yup, the injury obsession is a potential topic for the Drywall blog. The irony is that non-CrossFitter health nuts mock CrossFitters for engaging in activities that can cause injuries; CrossFitters in turn glorify their injuries. I love the twisted psychology of it.

    Also, good work in talking about a new topic.

    And yes, today's workout is going to suck more than most. But that's no reason to be a pussy. RX that shit.

  5. @Yatta, I assume you are talking about the juice and not Simpson, right?! LOL.

    Injury photos are cool, for the most part. I don't have any tatoos but I am fascinated by them and equally fascinated by scars and the like. I also have to disagree that you have not posted injury photos - what about those
    N-A-S-T-Y callouses you posted a month or so ago?!

    I have more to say here - sorry if this is long. Being away from CF for 3 weeks already makes me wonder if when I return I will be more prone to injury. I am starting to think about what I will need to do differently when I jump back into it to avoid injury...

  6. @Rae, if i have learned anything from drinking the kool-aid, it is to check your ego at the door. (im surprised drywall's fits in the 6000 sq ft at the box)

    but in all seriousness, when you return, your goals will be vastly different and you should not compare where you are upon return to past performances. it is unrealistic. rather, make new goals and dont try to do too much right off the bat. baby steps.

  7. Drywall... how did you manage to stand on the ball with all that weight? I think you should get rid of the nerd socks though!

    I think we post pics showing off our injuries for the same reason we post all our other crossfit pics. We are proud and excited of what we accomplish and we have a big network of fb friends that are CF'ers and can relate and appreciate it. And also we never know if we may make Drywall's blog so he can make fun of us. I hope one day I make it to Drywall's blog. I will be almost famous with all his followers. :)

    Rae, I agree with Tom. I think you will have to adjust your goals and not just jump right back in where you left off. I am glad you stopped by on Sat. It was great to see you!

  8. Oh shit (tee hee!)! That dude does kind of resemble our dear Drywall! lol. Minus the white calf socks of course:)

    @Drywall...I seriously thought about sending this question to your mailbag. I just wondered if I was maybe the only one tripping over this whole look at my CF scars trend. lol.

    When I went to my cousin's wedding and my momma say my jacked up thighs from the power cleans she asked me wtf was wrong with me. She said, it is not enough that you are trying to get man you are messing up your pretty legs too? LOL. I realize how crazy I may appear to hear looking in from the outside. She thinks I am mutilating myself on purpose.

    @Rae...correction...those were pics of someone else's injuries. Not my own. lol. However, I think I will still post pictures even after I talked all this shit. (tee hee). Honestly, I was shocked when I saw that I had hurt myself because I was so into that WOD that I did not feel it while I was doing it. That has never happened to me before. I have never bruised myself up without realizing it. That is where my fascination lies. That you can be so into something that you don't feel physical pain at the moment...I felt that shit (tee hee) later though.

    We miss you dearly Rae! Can't wait until you come back regularly. Listen to Wubben and take it easy when you do get back.

  9. Also...what is anyone going to see the river dyed green this weekend? I have never been in Chicago at the right time to see it. I would also like to fake like I am a Black Irish girl and get wasted. What are everyone's plans?

  10. @Yatta - what did you do to yourself? During which WOD? Hope you are ok!

    I would really like to see the river and more importantly drink like I am Irish this weekend! My plans are usually day drinking and passing out by 7-8pm. :)
