Monday, November 8, 2010

Aaaaannnnd We're BACK!

Happy Monday!
I am back from my week-long road trip and it was so much fun but soooo bad. Like I said before, it's so hard eating Paleo on the road and on trips in general. It doesn't help that my friends are not Paleo so they just ate whatever pleased them. I must admit, I did cave in a couple times....
This trip was definitely a test for the upcoming holidays and I have to say, watch out kids- IT'S HARD to stay on track! As the holiday season rapidly approaches us, I would suggest practicing and preparing for all the temptations that are to come. Make sure you maintain your goals and stay strong. If you're going out of town, visit other CrossFit boxes. Surrounding yourself with other crossfitters will help you stay focused and keep up with your workouts too! Tell your friends and family what you're doing and make sure they understand so hopefully they'll remember not shove pumpkin pies and other goodies in your face. I think the main key is to not even give in ONCE because once you start, it's all downhill from there.
Those are just a few things I learned about Paleo on vacation and now that I've seen how easily you can fall off track, I will face the next break with much more of an effort. Will you be able to face those holiday temptations????





  1. Sunday's Food log:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs, three turkey sausage links

    Snack: Handful of dried cranberries, fresh fruit w/lime juice

    Lunch: More fresh fruit with lime juice (I was out and about, so I pretty much skipped this meal)

    Dinner: Paleo Taco-Salad, pineapples

    Snack: Coconut milk icecream (looking at the ingredients a little more closely I am not wholly sure if this is 100% Paleo...maybe like 75% Paleo. lol.

  2. Welcome back Kristine! :)

    Today's food:

    AM & PM
    5oz Grass Fed Beef
    1c brocoli
    2tbsp butter

    1/4c paleo hot coco

    2-4c of herbal tea with 1tbsp coconut oil

  3. Welcome back. I'm personally not looking forward to delicious thanksgiving food. What could be passed off as paleo during that holiday, a lot of turkey, veggies and nuts? Yikes!

    Day 26
    Meal 1:
    Egg white omelet w green peppers, Spanish onion, 4pcs bacon, 2 turkey links

    Meal 2:
    Bison burger patty, almonds, dried apricot and a naked salad.

    Meal 3:
    Fish tacos, hold the tortilla, cheese, sour cream. Ummm basically fish and lettuce lol.
    Forgot to eat a fat with this meal.

    Meal 4:
    Banana (been trying to avoid)
    almond butter
    coconut milk w ice and vanilla extract. All blended to a thick shake/pudding concoction.
    (I was desperate for some kinda sweet).

    Meal 5:
    Small handful of almonds
    Small handful of dried apricots

    Geez so Saturday I finally experienced proper drinking while implementing this lifestyle diet change. Only 2 shots and 3 drinks somehow caused to me to have a hangover similar to an all night pub crawl! Unbelievable.

  4. Dayo - one of my favorite "Desserts" is Warm Almond Butter with raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. It's a Paleo PB&J!

    I was bad this weekend for 2 meals. Oh the shame! Today is much better.

    Started snacking on dried plums - very yummy! Anyone going to the 6pm class tonight?

  5. I'm pretttty excited about the potluck :) My friend is going to be in town so I'm going to bring here anddddd COCONUT SHRIMP (from everyday paleo).. :)

    will post my food log tomorrow as I'm back on the wagon...

  6. Anyone coming in on Saturday AM? I can't make the pot luck, I will be out of town. Would like to pass off some goods to have someone bring in though!

  7. @ alex I saw the coconut shrimp on the website! They looked so good! I can't wait!
    @John I'll be there sat!
