Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a carnivore!

The photo to the right was taken at an adorable little shop in Galena, Illinois this past weekend.  I thought it was hilarious and just had to share with my fellow Paleo Pals.                                                        
FLASHBACK:  I remember being a little girl in Disney World and having the choice to get either a delicious, fried, cinnamon-sugary churro or a monster size, savory, barbaric turkey leg - and I would always go for the Turkey Leg!

My weekend away reminded me that I HEART meat.  I ate Bison, Ostrich and Antelope Jerky and enjoyed all 3.  On our last night, the girls cooked homemade Turkey Burgers with Cranberries or 'Craisins'.  They were so delicious that I feel I must share!                           
Cranberry Turkey Burgers                                                                              
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil             
Onion, finely chopped
Celery, minced
Fresh Thyme
Fresh Sage
Sea Salt
Ground Pepper
Cranberries, chopped
Lean Ground Turkey
measurements are not given as they vary according to taste and amount of Turkey


  1. Oye Vey - a body builder?! Just respond "Yea, you gotta problem with that?!"

    I was a weird child. Apparently I habitually chose healthy options over snacks. But I also went through a phase that lasted 2 years where my parents said I only ate things that "crunched" aka foods that I could hear myself eating. Strange.

  2. LOL! Love the PETA variation.

    I would have chosen the churro, hands down. Anything with sugar would have been my choice. :p

    Can't wait to try that recipe. Thanks for sharing, and welcome back Rae!

    Food for today:

    AM: Collards and grassfed beef, 1 hard boiled egg and a little guac. I know, strange choices.

    Snack: 1 hard boiled egg, 1 can zevia soda

    PM: Grassfed beef patty w/onion, more collards, 2 pieces 85% dark chocolate

  3. Hey Kelsey, I agree with Rae. Throw it back at them. :)

    It's funny how folks often say things without first checking their motives. I've found that people say these types of things not out of concern, but out of needing something negative to say about another person's progress. It makes them feel better as they sit back, eat chips and watch endless episodes of Keeping up With the Kardashians while your in the gym busting your butt.

    Let the negative stuff wash right off of you. You're doing great, and you look great.

  4. Coach Kurt told me something interesting this week that really hit home. (I don't recall the exact references)...But, we had a conversation about removing toxic people from our lives. And that a hard part is actually recognizing toxicity. It's definitely one thing not to "agree with" or support my Paleo lifestyle but it absolutely another thing to put it down, tell me I am wrong and ultimately make me feel bad about it & myself. It's not an easy thing to do and is definitely not a decision to take lightly - but for a healthy mental state it's important to revisit and analyze our relationships. - Dr. Rae Rae

  5. Lol I want that hot sauce! That recipe looks good too.

    So...I don't usually toot my own horn but here it goes. So last month I bought some jeans which were waaay too small after taking them home without trying them on. Small enough that I got laughs from all my friends when I tried them on for the first time. Instead of returning them, I was lazy and figured I'd just hang them up.

    Well I tried them on today and they're actually a bit big in the waist, crazy.

    Funny, because since the paleo challenge, I've actually been trying to lift heavier and gain strength in the process, so it comes at a surprise that I'm getting stronger but losing quite a bit of fat.

    37 days ago, weighed in at 216 fasted. Today, I was at 204 fasted. I like it!

  6. Haha love it, you guys are total meatheads :D Welcome to the club?

    Rae, I really hope you don't have anyone that puts you down like that in your life! If so, boot em to the curb for sure. Toxic people thrive off of that sort of thing, I can't stand it.

    Dayo, killer job man - it shows!

  7. Yay Dayo - TOOT TOOT! That is so cool and you should be super proud of yourself!

    T-minus 1 week until the 8k Turkey Trot!

  8. AWESOME Dayo! Toot that damn horn! I sure am tooting mine in these size 8 SKINNY jeans! :) I must still stick with the 10s at work though....can't be showing off my goods to the partners. lol.

    Anyone doing the WOD tonight? I have had a crazy week:( Haven't been to the box since Sunday because of work:(

    Wednesday's food log:
    -Scrambled eggs (3)
    -3 slices turkey bacon


    Lunch: Turkey deli meat w/avocado, cranberry paste, jalapenos. (I know I am me Ms. Beverly if you're nasty...LOL...I'm sooo lame!)

    Snack: Craisins

    Dinner: Beef pepper steak, shrimp tom yum soup, fresh OJ

  9. Kelsey! I hear that so often from people that it is starting to get annoying. Ugh! But then I look at who is making the comment and usually they are not even healthy to begin w/.

    Dayo - Congrats! I have noticed the difference in appearance and in your workouts. You are doing awesome!

    Yatta - Hope to see you tonight! We can do Monday or Tuesdays WOD together.

  10. Thank you everybody, I really appreciate it. Well i've throughly enjoyed my much needed rest day today. See you folks tomorrow if you're hitting the box.
