Friday, December 17, 2010

Nerd Alert

I'm assuming most of you are computer jockeys like me and are near one all day...? Maybe not Tom though, he's busy being all sciency and stuff. Just curious, be it Paleo, Crossfit, or whatever, what are some of the sites you visit daily on the net?

I seem to spend a lot of time reading forums if stuff slows down, which I'm hoping happens soon!

My favorite site?

Don't worry, it's totally work safe! It actually has one of the largest internet forums in the world. I believe it's even within the top ten members-wise. They have an entire sub-forum dedicated to health/wellbeing with an added touch of humor and I love it. Can't believe I've been a member since 2003 either. Check it out sometime: Watch and Woot Forum

I guess I'm bored of everything else, so give me something new to check out!

... and yes, I am on Facebook and Gchat all day too. :|


  1. when im not doing "sciency stuff", i.e. saving the world one experiment at a time... im usually on, which is definitely my favorite music source.

    y'all enjoy FRAN today. 6am FRAN is just as evil if not more so than at 6pm.

  2. I was up at 4:50 and was sooo tempted to get in there and hit it hard with you. I guess Fran wasn't the first thing I wan'ted to see when I rolled over in bed... so 5pm we have a date.

  3. I'll see you and Fran at 5pm today, John!

    Great post - way to mix things up. I doubt anyone would be interested in the sites I visit throughout the day (mix between vba/excel/algorithms and celeb gossip) I could probably benefit from your suggestions :)

  4. Check out Photoshop Phriday for some good laughs :D

    I don't work for this site, I swear. I just like to laugh a lot.

  5. John, my #1 site is a forum that my old frat brothers and I spend all day bullshitting on and linking to random crap, but it's private so that doesn't help you any. But if you're looking for random games and crap, I'm you're guy.

    Try this one:

    Just curious, what is a good target time to shoot for in my first Fran?

  6. sub-5 maybe, but at least you'll get a baseline for yourself for next time. I'd love it if I could sub-5 it...

  7. Anyone interested in drinks after class tonight? All stinky I mean...

  8. Hmm. I might be up for a stink and drink tonight.
