Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Calories don't count on vacation...

Or do they? Ok ok, I know they count. Ha! Since I have been in San Fransico, I have stopped worrying about what I am eating. I am truely just enjoying my time here. But I have noticed that even though I am not constantly worrying about what I am eating, I still tend to make a lot of heathly choices. Yay for having a good habit! But when I want to induldge, I am going to do it and not feel guilty. I will just balance it out with better food choices and a good workout.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!


  1. I wish calories didn't count...Today marks the 3rd (Yes, 3rd) work day that I have gone out for lunch and gotten a burger and fries...not proud.

  2. cant. going to hawks game that nite!

  3. So who is slacking on putting up a new post today?

    Found this. Could be fun:


  4. @Drywall...I am totally the slacker...today was my first day back in town so it took me a minute. Sowwwy!

    @Kels...I can't...I have to go to a cookoff contest...I am the worst cook so we will see how that goes! lol.
